Something that crossed my mind today. When I was in school, we started each day with the Pledge of Allegiance, followed by a moment of silence. This was done each and every day. Somebody decided it was a violation of someones rites However I feel it is a violation of our rites to not at least offer those who want to say it do so. Now before you get your panties in a bunch, I know that people have the rite to think what they want. Many of my family and friends have fought and some of them died to give you this rite. But in exercising your rites are you not also spitting on those who fought for you to have them?
And by the way, what in the name of God is wrong with some of the youth today? Many of them can not tell you what the Bill of Rites is, can not repeat the Pledge without reading it but can however tell you what the hell a Honey BooBoo is, what/who every Kardashian is doing, and what or who the kid behind him in class did over the weekend. I blame the parents for this. My daughter could recite the Pledge and most of the Bill by time she was 5. With all the electronic gadgets and video game we give our children or adults for that matter are we lowering their IQ and turning them into a bunch of hormone driven, disrespecting, homicidal couch potatoes? I see nothing wrong with watching some TV or playing a video game but when you are spending more than half of your day doing so you may want to at least attempt to cut back for a while. U.S. penal system does it for you. Remember that one of major things that is wrong with the judicial system is that they depend on 12 people who are to stupid to get out of Jury Duty to make an informed decision on what is going to happen to your kids.
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